7th Pay Commission: What’s More to Explore On

By admin

Every Pay Commission brings up different conflicts with it and the newer one is nowhere different from the league. The majority of the central government employees were eagerly waiting for the 7th pay commission and the reason was the DA hikes they will get on here. The pay commission does bring up a lot with it but surprisingly with a twist. The CPC fitment factor of this pay commission is affecting your salary in a better mode. Are you willing to know how? Well…… relax, we are making it much clearer for you.

The 7th pay commission is going give to a whopping rise in the overall pay scale of the central government employees’ salaries. The best thing about this pay commission is that the DA rise suddenly has given a hike of 28 percent rather than the expected 17 percent. It is surely great news for the employees of the central government and will raise the overall salary.

But………But…………. But


There is a catch.

The employee has to keep in mind the Fitment Factor of the 7th pay commission and which is about 2.57 while calculating the overall salary. The DA rise will be added up in the overall salary in 17 + 3 + 4 + 4 formats. The increase in the Dearness Allowance Hike is expected to release soon. But the majority of the central government employees are taking it as Holi Dhamaka and it would be regardless to say it is going to get the one for sure.

This information is news soon after the government has informed the employees about the payment of benefits of dearness allowance in the upcoming months. As per the government resources, the employees of the central government will receive the benefits of dearness allowance starting from July 1. As we know the thing that there are already some pending installments of the dearness allowance. The pending three installments would be restored into the employee’s account prospectively.

The year 2020 was surely not so easier for anyone. Not only we lost several people due to pandemic this year but it was a year of financial crises for the majority of the government. Almost every institute, company, factory, and transportation was completely hold down for few months. Lots of people lost their lives and millions of people lost their jobs too.


The government of India had worked tremendously great during the entire session and have tried to provide the best to its people. New factories, work resources, and much more are initiated to give a hike to the employment sector. And do you know who was the luckiest one during all this scenario? Well, all those who are working under the government sector.

Due to certain reasons and pandemic, of course, the three installments of the dearness allowance for the central government employees and the DR for pensioners were being held down for few months. The dearness allowances for the central government employees and pensioners were due on January 1, 2020. July 1, 2020, and January 1, 2021. All of these installments were frozen given the Covid-19 pandemic.

The announcement of the government for the release of these Dearness Allowance Dues has filled every central government employee with excitement. All of these frozen dues will eventually give a whopping rise to the overall salary of the central government. The DA of the 17th percent would suddenly become 28 percent.

7th Pay Commission is regulated by the Government of India has been added up to 2.57 CPC to the salary. If you don’t understand it, let’s make it much simpler for you. If an employee of the central government is drawing a monthly salary of Rs. 21,000 then his/her 7th CPC salary would be calculated as 21,000 x 2.57 and that will be of total Rs 53,970 overall.

7th Pay Commission had added up different perks such as DA, HRA, Travel Allowance (TA), Medical Allowance, and much more into the overall salary of all of the government servants. If you are also a central government employee and are currently waiting for the salary hike as per the 7th pay commission, this news will surely level up your excitement.

The announcement of DA restoration is not only going to benefit the central government employees only but will increase up the one’s PF passbook balance too. As per the rules of the 7th Pay Commission, the PF contribution of the central government is being calculated based on basic salary along with the Dearness Allowance. And as we know that the overall Dearness Allowances have been hiked up from 17 percent to directly 28 percent, it will add up some more amount into your PF passbook balance as well.

Being a central government employee is a matter of pride. Central government not only ensures its employees about the security of their future but also keeps on benefiting them with the different perks often. The best thing about the job of the central government is that every pay commission brings up a new hope to its employees and pensioners. Despite this huge pandemic, the government of India is blessing its employees with the best gifts. The regulation of the 7th pay commission has filled up the employees in the hope where they can make new investments without any issues.

It would be regardless saying how fast the dearness is being leveled up with each passing year. the prices of almost everything have been doubled up in the last few years. Everyone is worried about the rising prices. The government of India well takes care of the benefits of the employees and the result is among you. 7th Pay Commission is going to add up more to the employee’s account. 17 + 3 + 4 + 4 is something that can well handle all of your future investments and trips single-handedly. You don’t need to do much here. Just keep on waiting till July 2021 patiently and enjoy the benefits of the 7th Pay Commission along with the pending installments.

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